SPRINT scientific policy consulting
SPRINT has longstanding expertise in conceptualising, supporting and assessing planning and decision-making processes, with a special focus on funding programmes.
We provide our services to ministries, regional and local (planning) authorities in Germany and internationally, to develop answers to the trends of the future.
We offer our clients tailormade and comprehensive support from idea to realisation. Our services include
Innovative Solutions
based on long-term German and international expertise, tailored to preprocesses and given re- sourcesCOMPREHENSIVE ANALYSES
with specific reference to the spatial context and institutional set-upPROCESS & PROJECT MANAGEMENT
focus on funding and financing, moderation and participation processesSTRATEGIES & CONCEPTS
integrated development concepts and strategies at national and regional level, conception and quality assessmentMONITORING & EVALUATION
KPI / target achievement, policy and action recommendations for improved project implementationPUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS
reports and studies, guidelines, articles and papers, presentationsINNOVATIVE METHODS & TOOLS
facilitation of development and implementation processesKNOWLEDGE TRANSFER & CAPACITY BUILDING
needs assessment, workshops, seminars and trainings in the field of planningFIELDS of ACTIVITY & REFERENCES

Trendsetting spatial planning
Trendsetting spatial planning

Accompaniment of new concepts for public service and infrastructure provision in rural regions, metropolitan areas, as well as the rural-urban interface.
Selected reference projects:
- New funding programme for integrated spatial development in Germany
2020, Federal Ministry of the Interior - Guide for National Spatial Strategies
2019-2020, UN Habitat, Regional and Metropolitan Planning Unit
- National office demonstration project “Lively Regions”
2015-2022, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany, now Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
- Accompanying and assessment of national pilot project “Entrepreneur Regions“ (Unternehmen Revier)
2018-2022, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Policy Advice for National Spatial Strategies
Policy Advice for National Spatial Strategies

Quality management of planning concepts
Revision, support and improvement of tailormade spatial planning solutions on national, regional, and local level
Organisation development and process optimisation
Analysis of process cycles, stakeholder constellations and decision-making structures, provision of solutions tailored to the specific structural needs
Facilitation of implementation
Develoment of recommendations and road maps with special focus on financing and budgeting, prioritising of development options
Setting up and and improvement of planning capacity
Needs assessment, conception and delivery of short-term training programmes, curriculum development and accompanying of study programmes in the field of spatial planning
Monitoring and evaluation
Review and evaluation of the effectiveness of planning activities, development of measures for integrated and sustainable planning approaches
Selected reference projects:
- Advisory Group for Oman National Spatial Strategy
2010-2018, Supreme Council for Planning - Activation of Saudi National Spatial Strategy and three studies for upgrading KSA Planning system
2013-2017, Ministry of Municipaplities & Rural Affairs (MoMRA)

National model projects for integrated regional development
National model projects for integrated regional development

Innovative solutions for integrated development
Model projects, often organized as competitions for public funding, are increasingly importantant policy tools for rural and urban regional development. They are not only key drivers for innovative solutions but experimental fields for testing new stakeholder constellations and alternative financing schemes.
Conceptualising national model projects
Needs assessment, support of funding authorities in the professional and administrative set-up of model projects, action plans, selection of pilot regions, use of innovative funding instruments
Implementation and monitoring
Advise for funding authorities and recipients during implementation, management by objectives, monitoring of KPI / target achievement
Research and evaluation
Scientific accompanying research and practice-oriented evaluation, development of policy recommendations
Selected reference projects:
- Concept and realization national model project Strong Regions
2018-2021, BLE
- Concept model project “Land(auf)Schwung” (Dynamic Rural Areas)
2014-2015, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- National office model project “Land-Zukunft” (Land Future)

Monitoring, evaluation & studies for spatial analysis & ruralurban development
Monitoring, evaluation & studies for spatial analysis & ruralurban development

Monitoring and evaluation
On behalf of the Federal Minsitry of Food and Agriculture SPRINT has set up a national M+E network to facilitate implementation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in Germany (linking European Commission, Federal Ministry, State Ministries and research institutions, functioning as think tank for M+E development).
Conducting evaluation in the field of regional development
Review of planning concepts on all planning levels
Review and quality check of development concepts on local, regional, national level, advising ministries on the allocation of funds
Studies on rural and urban development trends
Expert assessment of current development trends in the field of integrated spatial development, with special focus on regional economic development; derivation of policy advice and guidelines
Selected reference projects:
- Evaluation of the Operational Program European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) NRW 2014-2020
2017-2025, Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Monitoring and Evaluation Network Germany (MEN-D)
2009-2021, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Study on future of rural regions and new approaches concerning provison of public services and infrastructure
2017, Enquete Commission, Parliament Brandenburg

Knowledge Transfer & Capacity Building
Knowledge Transfer & Capacity Building

Selected reference projects:
- Workshop ‘Activation of the Saudi National Spatial Strategy’
2014, United Nations Development Program (UN DP) | Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA). Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia
- Conference Transforming City Regions: Reclaiming public spaces within metropolitan areas through intercultural dialogue
German Jordanian University. Jordan, 2018
- Capacity Building Programmes and Trainings
Universities & Planning Authorities in Germany, Middle East & Gulf - Planning Community of Practice (PCoP). Workshop on Alignment and Coordination between National and Sub-National Planning
World Bank. The Philippines, 2019
- Panel Global Expert Group Meeting ‘Towards Effective National Urban Policies: Lessons from Current Practice’ to develop a UN Habitat Communique.
Spain, 2014
- GCC Regional Workshop for Municipal high-level Officials ‘Challenges and Priorities for Regional Urban Development in GCC’
Jordan, 2013
Selected Publications
- Tawil, M.; Bäumer, K. (2018): New perspectives for planning education in the Arab world – added value through intercultural dialogue. International Development Planning Review.

Action plans & concepts for regional economic development
Action plans & concepts for regional economic development

Needs assessment
Identification of needs based on expert assessment of current development trends and regional needs, close interaction with the client
Conceptualisation and road map development for new national funding programmes for integrated regional economic development. The most recently developed funding programme for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has a run-time of 10 years and is targeted at supporting the regional structural transition to renewable energy and climate protection economy as well as bio-economy.
Action plan and policy recommendations
Development of national funding programmes for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and Ministry of Food and Agriculture, knowledge transfer
Selected reference projects:
- Strengthening Corporate Social responsibility in Germany
2018-2020, Bertelsmann Foundation
- Concept and realization national model project “Unternehmen Revier” (“Entrepreneur Regions”)
2017-2022, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
- Concept national model project “Land(auf)Schwung” (Dynamic Rural Areas)
2014-2015, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Concept and realisation national model project “Land-Zukunft” (Land Future)
2011-2015, BMEL
SPRINT scientific policy consulting
Darmstadt, Germany E-Mail: info[at]sprintconsult.de